What Happens When Lightning Strikes a Tree?

When a tree is hit by lightning, the sap in its bark experiences extremely high temperatures, much hotter than the surface of the Sun, because of electrical resistance. The sap heats up and turns into steam, which can cause the tree to explode.

We’ve all seen cartoons and drawings showing people being struck by lightning, with their bodies jerking around like a ragdoll and their hair standing on end. But does the same thing happen to trees? Are trees affected by electricity in the same way as humans? Do they get affected at all? These are some of the questions we will answer in this article.

How Does Electricity Affect Humans?

Our bodies use electrical signals to transmit information from our nerves to our muscles. When we receive a sudden electric shock, our nerves start sending false signals and our muscles contract or expand. If you see someone who has been electrocuted being thrown back and falling far from where they were shocked, it is because their own muscles pushed them. Similarly, the flailing movements of an electrocuted person with crazy hair are caused by the current confusing the receptors in our muscles. It may look funny in cartoons, but you should never play with electricity because it is extremely dangerous and can cause burns or permanent nerve damage.

Every year, on average, 50 people die in the US from being struck by lightning, out of the approximately 500 who are struck. Many trees are also struck and killed in the same way. Trees stand above the ground, and when millions of volts of electricity pass through the air as lightning, they take the path of least resistance, often through the tree’s bark.

When lightning strikes, the sap in the tree’s bark experiences extremely high temperatures, much hotter than the surface of the Sun, because of electrical resistance. The sap heats up and turns into steam, which can cause it to explode. That’s why some trees explode violently when struck by lightning.

Wait, Do Trees Actually Explode?

Usually, lightning travels along the inner bark of the tree to the ground, causing the outer bark to expand and peel off in strips. Sometimes, a tree “jumps” when struck by lightning, meaning that the trunk or branches split off and fall to the ground due to the intense expansion. In other words, if you don’t want to deal with the weight of an exploding tree, don’t stand under one during a lightning storm!

During a thunderstorm, if it is raining and the outside of the tree is wet, the lightning will most likely cause minimal harm to the tree. This is because the electricity will pass through the wet outer layer of the tree instead of affecting the inner bark. Although it may seem natural for a tree to catch fire when struck by lightning, whether it actually does depends on various factors such as the moisture content of the bark, the presence of foliage on the branches, and the specific part of the tree that the lightning strikes. If a tree does catch fire, it may either burn completely or sustain partial damage.

Reasons to Avoid Standing Under a Lightning-Struck Tree

It may come as a surprise, but a tree that has been struck by lightning doesn’t necessarily die immediately due to the electric current. In fact, it could continue to live for some time despite suffering extensive injuries. However, these trees are at risk of dying from secondary causes, such as insect infestation or decay. Lightning damage can weaken the bark, making the tree unstable. Therefore, it is advisable to stay away from trees that have been struck by lightning, as they may fall unexpectedly.

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